Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day Twenty-Three: Failed Again!

So here I am again, in the wee hours of Sunday (ok, 9:30pm isn't quite the wee hours but I'm feeling that tired!). I missed another day of blog posting. I actually thought of skipping "Day Twenty-Three". I've even thought about wrapping up the whole blog thing & forgetting about the 2nd half of lent. It comes down to commitment. Commitment to anything is hard work & will inevitably hit a rough patch. Exercising. Dieting. Marriage. Giving up a bad habit. Blog writing.

When looking for some inspiration where should one turn to? Wikipedia of course! Wikipedia defines personal commitment as: interaction dominated by obligations. These obligations may be mutual, or self-imposed, or explicitly stated, or may not. Distinction is often made between commitment as a member of an organization (such as a sporting team, a religion, or as an employee), and a personal commitment, which is often a pledge or promise to ones' self for personal growth.

No personal growth can come when we take the easy route. I suppose I would have been more tempted to skip a day or give up if I hadn't had the blog online. So thank you facebook "friends" and others for keeping me accountable and on track (even if I this is a day behind). At the end of Lent I will be able to say that I did have "forty days of links for hope and inspiration". Forty days of links, yes. Hope and inspiration, you can decide for yourself. For me, I've not only been on a journey inspiring both my heart and mind, but also exploring perseverance, commitment and even personal growth.

Someone once said, "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses." No excuses. Day Twenty-Three done.

And for those technical folk, I didn't actually include a link. So here's one for you: it is a link to a cute Tortoise & Hare story produced by a group of school children in Bristol, UK. We all know the story- slow and steady wins the race! (Brilliant that the story is painstakingly done in clay-mation & I love the accents to boot!)

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